SCHOOL's OUT!!!! Rives is experiencing his first summer break and loving every moment of it! We have had some hot days spent playing on the trampoline with the sprinkler. Charlie would be out there from sun up to sun down if I would let him. Even Bernie Ernie is joining in on the fun! Between the rain showers we have been having and the excessive sprinkling our yard is a giant mud puddle--which is also a great source of entertainment for the boys!!
Yay... Schools out! It's time for Uncle Gip to come home and spoil them rotten! I can't wait!!! Love ya'll!
Another successful post! You are a pro now Mariah! Looks like your hands will be full this summer. Ahhhhh, remember the days when we all got out for summer? Tell Rives I'm jealous.
i miss seeing ya'll! i really really miss sheila and billy gip. why did ya'll have to move!
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